Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Psalm 126:2-3

King James Version

2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, 

and our tongue with singing: 

then said they among the heathen, 

The Lord hath done great things for them.

3 The Lord hath done great things for us; 

whereof we are glad.

Ever had a chat, then here comes cat?

Waving that expressive tail?

Lording it over?

Leave it to a cat.

To end all debate.

To end all seriousness.

To end all intellectual discourse.

I've had dozens of cats in my lifetime.

But Rocco, the cat above, beats them all.

And that's just his tail, mind you.

What a tall tale it told.

Apart from their naturally-funny faces, cats have such expressive tails.

Graceful, funny, fluffy, waving, long tails.

That curl around your leg, signifying ownership (of you).

Or whip warningly, when faced with adversaries.

Or wave around the floor, as they sit still.

But ever-ready to pounce, should the need arise.

And that tail will surely rise.

But nothing can beat ginger Rocco above.

Who I've permanently "adopted" in my heart.

Even as he belongs to someone else, far away.

His startled owner is a member of the UK parliament.

Does he realize he's got the best PR manager?

How a cat's tail tell such tall tales.

They've become legendary.

We learn of two other "varieties":



Reminds me of "typhoon".

And "plume".

As wordsmith, perhaps I'll combine both.

And call it "typlume".

Maybe, "typhlume".

I don't really know.

That ought to be a name for the next cat.

Especially with a character to boot.

GOD knew what He was doing when He created cats.

He wanted to keep us childlike.

Smiling, laughing, tickled.

GOD has His own brand of humor.

Which only a childlike heart can detect.

May you have such a heart!

Proverbs 17:22

King James Version

22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: 

but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Related material:




Having a CHEERFUL heart



  Psalm 126:2-3 King James Version 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter,  and our tongue with singing:  then said they among the heathe...