We cats are magnificent.
Dogs are friendly.
Cats are magnificent.
Dogs don't mind.
Suits us just fine.
I mean, we're elegant.
Dogs are kinda all over the place.
We're private.
Dogs aren't.
We're not putting down dogs.
We just are.
Just as dogs, just are.
Sometimes, we get along.
Some days, we are chased by them.
I suppose if you bring us together when we're all kittens, and puppies, we can't tell the difference.
And we may just bond.
Sure, there are kind great danes.
And there are impossible persians.
All in all, I suppose we get along.
That is IF dogs respect our space.
For we do need a LOT of space.
Away from them.
The rest of the time, tiny cardboard boxes suit us just fine.
A place to curl up in.
Now, about humans.
That's for the next post.
A word about our scribe:
We heard about her among the cat circles.
Heard she's a GOD-fearing writer, and researcher.
Who happens to like cats, ahem.
She used to ghost blog for a cat company.
Seems they were pleased, and gave her all cat articles to write
To our great delight, of course.
-- CAT community
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Updated 30 December 2023